If You'll Notice, The Humour Rating Is At 10
This is just what I expected would happen. You're going to make some movie about how high and mighty the US is, and how everybody that opposes it should die, and expect not to get told that you're a fucking idiot? Well, good luck pal. Listen, if you want to talk about cowardism, you first need to talk about the US lobbing cruise missles in from miles away to blow up civilians. Or about how the international court of justice ordered the US to cease and discist their terrorist (that's right, terrorist) actions against the state of Nicaragua (the only such issue that the court has ever given), and about how the US shrugged it off because of their mineral interests over there. The US is the world's leader in terrorism, so don't give me this self-richeous bullshit. Listen, nobody's condoning these atrocious actions taken by these people against the States... but since when did killing ever solve anything? You fucking moron. I vote 0.